Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 5
Parent-Student Handbook 2024-2025
Holy Name Catholic School
Learning to Love – Loving to Learn
Mission Statement:
Holy Name Catholic School challenges each individual to grow spiritually, achieve academic excellence, develop individual gifts and talents, and model the values, attitudes, and behaviors that foster a life committed to Christian service.
Prayer for the Beginning of the New School Year
Dear Lord, as we begin this new school year, we gather once again as your community of believers.
We thank You, Lord, for the energy and the spirit that You renewed in us through the summer months.
We thank You Lord for the time to enjoy our family and friends and to reflect on what is important in our lives.
Let this year be marked by enthusiasm and love so that, with the inspiration of Your Spirit, we may continue to grow in our faith. Help us to fulfill Your hope for us with honest intentions and works of faith. Let us be gentle with ourselves and bring laughter, joy and love to others. We ask this in Your name.
Welcome from the Principal
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students:
Welcome to Holy Name Catholic School. Our school continues to be one of the most highly regarded learning communities in Wyoming, and each year we continue to build on this success.
We are an exceptional community filled with committed teachers, staff, and stakeholders. Holy Name Catholic School is excited to offer strong academic core classes such as Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Reading, and Writing as well as accelerated curriculum with small group instruction. In addition, students are enriched with several special classes: Sign Language, Spanish, Computer Science, Coding, Art, Music, PE, STREAM, and Library.
Every day our students gather in the school cafeteria to invite Jesus into their day by singing, praying, and honoring God. In addition, the children celebrate Mass each Friday at 8:20 a.m. It is often said that Morning Prayer and Mass highlight the uniqueness of Holy Name Catholic School. These celebrations are completely run by the students. Everyone in the community is encouraged to share in the love and joy of Jesus Christ during the Morning Prayer and children’s school Mass.
Jesus said, “Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.” Psalm 119:11. Here at Holy Name Catholic School we know that we can do nothing without the help of our Lord and we understand the importance of studying Jesus and His teachings. From pre-kindergarten through fifth grade, we have daily religion classes to learn about God’s ways and memorize Bible verses. We feel it is imperative for children to remember scripture so that all can know God’s will, understand God’s ways, share God’s truth and receive God’s blessing.
This school year will be an exciting time for students, parents and staff to grow in faith and knowledge. The staff is delighted you have chosen Holy Name Catholic School for your child’s education. I look forward to you sharing in those exciting times. Thank you for your commitment to your child’s education and commitment to the Holy Name Community.
In His Service,
Dr. Katy Worman, Principal
Contact Information
Holy Name Catholic School | ||
121 S. Connor | School office: 307-672-2021 | Website: |
Sheridan, WY 82801 | Office fax: 307-673-4474 | Office Email: |
Administration | ||
Principal | Dr. Katy Worman | |
Office Manager | Mrs. Mandy Morris | |
Maintenance | Mr. Jess Yeigh | |
Head Cook | Mrs. Joyce Flint | |
Board of Directors | ||
President – Paul Graslie | Secretary – Katelynn Doherty | Nina Beach |
Vice President – Theresa Winnop | Pastor – Father Glenn Whewell | |
Treasurer – Toni Alden | Ryan Meisel | |
Diocese of Cheyenne | PO Box 1468 Cheyenne, WY 82003 | 1-800-788-4606 |
Teacher and Staff Email Addresses | |
To access email addresses, follow this rule: | first initial.last name |
For example: Zack Will = | |
What Makes HNCS Unique…. The Holy Name Catholic School philosophy holds Christ as the model of behavior. The ultimate objective is for students to treat each other the way they would like to be treated. The faculty, through regular religion classes, teaches students about respect and making wise decisions.
“While the Catholic School is like any other in this complex variety of events that make up the life of a school, there is one essential difference: It draws its inspiration and its strength from the Gospel in which it is rooted.”
Christ Centered Educational Programming
Holy Name Catholic School (HNCS) curriculum follows the educational standards mandated by the Wyoming Department of Education and the National Core Standards. HNCS is dedicated to educating the whole person through a program of both academic excellence and the teaching of values and morals that reflect our Christian beliefs. Prayer and religion classes are an integral part of the education program. Religion is a core subject, taught daily focusing on the Gospels, 10 Commandments, service to others and God’s love for everyone. Students participate in planning and celebrating the Liturgy, Penance services and other religious observances. Students in the second grade are prepared for Reconciliation and First Communion. A school Mass is held every Friday at 8:20 a.m. and parents and family members are always welcome to attend. In addition, Students are expected to attend regular Sunday mass at least three (3) times a year including the beginning of year, during Catholic Schools Week, and at the end of the year.
HNCS has an exceptional community filled with committed teachers, staff, and stakeholders and is excited to offer strong academic core classes such as Religion, Mathematics, Reading, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts and Writing as well as advanced classes with small group instruction. In addition, students are enriched with several special classes: Sign Language, Spanish, Computer Science, Coding, Art, Music, PE, STREAM, and Library.
Highly Qualified Certified Teachers. Please contact the principal for questions.
School Arrival and Departure Time.
School hours are from 7:30 am – 3:30 pm. Classes begin at 8:00 am and end at 3:00 pm. Staff are available to supervise students on the playground after 7:40 am.
General Daily Schedule
8:00- 8:15 | Morning Prayer in the Joseph Building |
Friday 8:20 | School Mass at Holy Name Catholic Church Parents are encouraged to attend Morning Prayer and Mass |
8:15- 3:00 | Religion, Mathematics, Language Arts (phonics, writing, spelling, guided reading, balanced literacy), Spanish, Science, Social Studies and Specials (art, music, computers, library, physical education, STREAM) |
Afterschool Care
Afterschool care is available for children until 5:30 p.m. for any child who needs after school supervision. Space is limited. Contact the school office for additional information. Rate: $4.00 per hour
Dress Code
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Logo Attire.Students are expected to wear a school logo uniform on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Friday (Mass Day) – Students may “dress for the Lord” in their “Sunday best” or wear a logo shirt. After Mass students may change into jeans and a school logo shirt.
Uniforms for Students:
Tops – Red, white, or navy-blue crest shirt (logo attire).
Jackets – Hooded sweatshirts are allowed only if they have the logo printed on the front. A logo must be visible at all times. Logo sweaters and vests are acceptable.
Bottoms – Navy-blue, black, khaki, or plaid shorts, pants, skirts, jumpers or uniform dresses. Shorts are acceptable but have to be “Docker” style. Logo jumpers or dresses are allowed. Dresses/skirts/shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh above the knee. Leggings and jeggings may be worn under dresses or skirts.
Every student is expected to present a neat and modest appearance. Any appearance that is immodest or extreme or an appearance that calls undue attention to the student is not appropriate.
The following are examples of inappropriate dress or appearance:
- heels over 1½ inches
- hair not natural color
- excessively baggy or tight clothing
- excessive make-up
- yoga pants, athletic sweats/shorts
- cutoffs or frayed hem
- slides/slippers
- spaghetti straps
- shorts shorter than mid-thigh
- see-through shirts or blouses
- promotions of drugs, alcohol or opposing Christian culture
Please note, we will contact you to bring a change of clothes for your child if your child’s attire does not meet our “Dress for Success” expectations. If you have any special situation regarding dress code, please contact the principal.
K-Grade 5 Grading System
5 Exemplary: Above proficient expectations
4 Proficient: Meeting grade level expectations
3 Approaching Proficient: Approaching proficiency
2 Not Yet Proficient: Limited proficiency
- Insufficient evidence towards this standard
X Not assessed at this time.
Grade 5-6 Grading System
Teachers will use the following system to determine letter grades for students in grades 5 through 6.
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F Below 60%
I Incomplete
S Satisfactory
U Unsatisfactory
Promotion and Retention. Holy Name Catholic School adheres to Wyoming State Standards and the National Core Standards for all students. Standards are learning goals for students and are expected to be mastered before a student moves on to another grade.
Report Cards. Reports of student’s achievement are available at the end of each trimester.
Monitoring Student Performance. Coordinated effort is facilitated among teachers, parents, students and the principal to maintain a high degree of academic performance.
MAPS Normed Testing. MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress. MAP is a computer-adaptive benchmark assessment for reading and math. It provides a different, personalized test for each student. Depending on how a student answers each question, the test adjusts in difficulty. This allows students with widely varying skill levels – from struggling to advanced – to take a test that is well-suited to their needs. Teachers are able to access student scores immediately after students complete a test. Each test provides detailed teacher reports that show the skills students are proficient in and what they are ready to work on next. This is a nationally normed evaluation that is organized through the principal’s office. Students are tested in the fall and spring and sometimes in the winter.
Conferences. Parent-teacher conferences are held in the fall and spring. Individual conferences are scheduled with each student’s homeroom teacher during this time. Conferences are used to gain parents’ input and ideas and share student progress. Additional conferences may be initiated by parents/teachers as needed. We encourage all parents to request a conference with their child’s teacher if they feel the need.
Homework Policy, Expectations and Interventions. Homework is an important part of our school program. It is important that assignments are complete and handed in on time. Unless excused, because of illness or other acceptable reason, failure to turn in an assignment may result in a zero. If students are regularly spending excessive time on homework, parents should contact teachers as soon as possible. Before, during lunch and after school assistance is available.
School Records. All student records are confidential. Parents have access to this data and may give written permission for other educational institutions to obtain HNCS records. Records will be transferred to another school when requested in writing by a parent. In the absence of a court order to the contrary in the student file, HNCS will provide the noncustodial parent with access to the academic records and other school related information regarding the student. If there is a court order specifying that there is to be no information given, it is the responsibility of the custodial parent to provide the school with an official copy of the court order.
Regular attendance at school promotes the mental and emotional development of children; reduces delinquency; enhances good citizenship and promotes the general health, safety, and welfare of a community. Absences often have an adverse impact on student learning and may negatively impact student grades. The Wyoming State Legislature, in recognition of the importance of regular school attendance, passed compulsory attendance laws that require students between the ages of 7 and 16 to be in regular attendance at school. These school rules are designed to ensure compliance with those laws and to promote regular attendance at school.
Reporting an Absence to HNCS School Office. If your child is absent, please contact the front office at 672-2021. All absences will be recorded in a student’s absentee report. The school will attempt to call the parent/guardian if we have not heard from the parent.
Regular attendance at school promotes the mental and emotional development of children; reduces delinquency; enhances good citizenship and promotes the general health, safety, and welfare of a community. Absences often have an adverse impact on student learning and may negatively impact student grades. The Wyoming State Legislature, in recognition of the importance of regular school attendance, passed compulsory attendance laws that require students between the ages of 7 and 16 to be in regular attendance at school. These school rules are designed to ensure compliance with those laws and to promote regular attendance at school.
Reporting an Absence to HNCS School Office. If your child is absent, please contact the front office at 672-2021. All absences will be recorded in a student’s absentee report. The school will attempt to call the parent/guardian if we have not heard from the parent.
Excessive Absences. Twelve (12) absences in a year are considered excessive; this excludes medical absences. The following communication protocol will be utilized for attendance concerns:
▪ 6-10 absence: letter sent or call to parents from attendance office; a doctor’s note may be required
▪ 12th absence: attendance contract, doctor’s note required within 48 hours of further absences and letter sent to parents from attendance office
A 5th unexcused absence, per statute, may result in a referral to the County Attorney’s Office for habitual truancy or other action as deemed appropriate by the administration. In most cases, medically excused absences (documented by a doctor) and activities like athletic events do not count toward the excessive absences policy. However, the principal has discretion for whether to accept medical excuses for students with excessive absences.
Tardiness. Getting to class on time is an important academic and work-related skill. Tardy is defined as not being in the threshold of the classroom door when the tardy bell rings. Students are expected to be at school by 8:00 am. Morning Prayer is part of Religion class and is an essential part of Holy Name Catholic School’s curriculum.
What about make up work? In the event of illness, a phone call before school will enable your child’s teacher to prepare the assignments and materials for pick-up after 3:00 pm. If you know your child will be absent, please request assignments in advance of that date.
Illness and Injuries
The office staff and principal are available to all students who have health related problems, illness, or minor injuries. The school office is not equipped to take care of any serious illness.
Illness. The state of Wyoming requires that any child with a fever of 101 or higher, an unexplained rash, vomiting, diarrhea or a severe cough must be kept at home. These symptoms must be cleared up for at least 24-hours before the child will be allowed to return to school. Any child who cannot participate in daily activities due to discomfort, injury or other symptoms of illness will need to be kept at home where they are more comfortable. In addition, a parent is expected to immediately pick up a child who shows any of these symptoms. Parents must sign out their student in the school office before leaving the school grounds.
Medication. School personnel do not dispense any medication, internal or external, including aspirin, cough drops, and vitamins.
Medical Emergencies and Accidents.In case of serious accident or illness, every effort will be made to contact the parent immediately. Calls will also be made to 911. If the parent is unable to be reached, the person designated on the emergency card will be contacted. Please promptly notify the office if there is a change of address, phone, or other information to be included on the emergency card.
As a rule, if a child is well enough to come to school, he/she is well enough to go outside for recess and during the noon hour; however, if you desire for your child to stay inside due to a recent illness, please send a note or call explaining this exception. Children will not be sent outside in extreme weather conditions, but parents are encouraged to send appropriate cold weather gear with their child. Generally, if the temperature and wind chill are above 10 degrees students will have outdoor recess. Coats must be worn outside if the temperature is below 40 degrees.
Inclement Weather: School Closure
In case of inclement weather, announcements will be made over radio station KROE/930 (672-7421) when school is not in session or changes in the school schedule.
Field Trips and Extracurricular Activities
Field trips are privileges and are considered part of a well-balanced educational program. Students who fail to meet academic or behavioral requirements can be denied participation. Parents are welcome and encouraged to participate in field trips. Students are to wear logo shirts on field trips. Parents will be provided with all pertinent information concerning field trips and the parent/guardian must grant written permission before a child will be allowed to participate. Teachers will review acceptable behavior for the trip and students will be expected to conduct themselves appropriately.
Gum, Candy and Healthy Snacks
Healthy snacks are encouraged. Candy, gum and healthy snacks can be eaten with permission from the teacher within their classroom. Class parties and gatherings may only have one sweet snack for every three healthy snacks.
Student Cell Phones, Watches, and other Devices
No cell phones, smart watches, portable electronics such as iPads, iPods, MP3 Players, cameras, computers or gaming system are allowed in school. Teachers are asked to confiscate any cell phone and hold it in the school office for a parent to pick up if this rule is violated. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Student Council
Student leadership is a vital component of our school. The Student Council is composed of students from the 5-6 grades. Student Council members are expected to have appropriate behavior and passing grades. The Student Council sponsors a variety of activities including school parties and community service projects.
Party Invitations
Please do not send party invitations for distribution in class unless all the children are invited. Students’ feelings are hurt when they are not invited.
Holiday and Gift Exchange
Holidays celebrated with parties are Halloween, Christmas and Valentine’s Day. It is our policy not to allow gift exchanges between pupils. Likewise, gifts from children to teachers are not encouraged.
Food Service
Lunch prices: Student $2.75 Reduced $0.40 Adult $5.00 Extra Milk $0.50
Parents are encouraged to come to school and eat lunch with their children. Please notify the school in advance if you will be coming to have lunch. Adult lunches are $5.00.
HNCS provides served lunches. Students are required to take all items being served on their lunch tray. A bill will be sent home monthly.
Information regarding the free and reduced-price lunch program is sent home to all families at the beginning of the school year. HNCS provides translation services through Language Line for anyone in need.
Meal modification requests must be signed by a medical professional. Medical Statements to Request Special Meals, Accommodations, and Milk Substitutes in School Nutrition Programs forms can be requested from the school office. A file will be kept with the Child Nutrition Director.
Holy Name Catholic School Meal Charge Policy
PURPOSE OF POLICY: The purpose of this policy is to establish consistent meal account procedures. Unpaid charges place a financial strain on the food service department. The goals of this standard of practice are:
- To treat all students with dignity in the serving line regarding meal accounts
- To support positive situations with food service staff, business policies, student and parent/guardian to the maximum extent possible
- To establish policies that are age appropriate
- To encourage parent/guardian to assume the responsibility of meal payments and to promote self-responsibility of the student
- To establish a consistent Holy Name Catholic School policy regarding charges and collection of charges
SCOPE OF RESPONSIBILITY: The food service department, Food Service Director and Office Manager are responsible for maintaining meal charge/payment records and notifying the student’s parent/guardian of account balance. The Parent/Guardian: To provide Holy Name Catholic School with immediate and full payment
- Families are encouraged to apply for free and reduced price meal benefit. Any family that falls into a negative balance will receive a written notification to encourage them to apply.
- Families are encouraged to pre-pay for meals cash, check and credit card are accepted in the school office at any time for payments on the day of service. Written notification of prepayment options occurs at the beginning of each school year, is given to each new student, and is included in the student handbook.
- Families will be notified of the school Unpaid Meal Charge Policy in writing before the school year begins and with each new transfer student.
- If a student has money to purchase a reduced price or paid meal at the time of the meal service, the student must be provided a meal. Holy Name Catholic School may not use the student’s money to repay previously unpaid charges if the student intends to use the money to purchase that day’s meal.
- Notice of school lunch account balance will be sent home in the student’s folder.
- Once a student’s account balance reaches negative $20.00
- Communications on delinquent accounts are made on a daily basis to try and collect payment.
- Bad Debts are an unallowable cost for federal funds per 2 CFR.426. Once a debt goes from delinquent to “bad” Holy Name Catholic School must repay the school food service fund from General Funds.
- Every effort will be made to collect School lunch debt. The Business Office will work with families to on repayment agreements. School lunch debt is collectable until the July 1 after the student family has left the school when no attempts at repayment have been made. Lunch debt will then become uncollectable. Angel Funds will then be used to cover delinquent lunch debt. Should Angel Funds not be available Holy Name Catholic School will reimburse the lunch account with a transfer and journal entry for the debt.
Speech Services
Holy Name Catholic School offers Special Education services on a limited part-time basis. Consultations, including evaluation by District #2 Special Education staff are available to Holy Name Catholic School students. If needed, speech therapy will be provided on HNCS campus. Contact the principal for more information regarding the coordination of Special Education services.
Title-1 Services
Title I provides supplemental support in schools eligible for Title I services, for students who score below 40% on standardized tests in reading and/or math. HNCS uses teachers, as well as computer-assisted instruction, for students who qualify for assistance. Title 1 usually begins in September and ends just before Spring Break. Tutoring is after school until 4:10. There is no cost for this program.
Vision Screenings are performed yearly at school with the help of outside agencies.
Parking. Cars should not be parked in front of the school for an extended length of time when school is in session. Please encourage your child to cross the street at the corners using the crosswalks only… no jaywalking.
Fire Drills, ALICE and/or Lockdowns. Fire drills are held monthly by the Sheridan County Fire-Rescue Department. When the fire alarm is sounded, all students, staff, and visitors must vacate the building according to the designated fire escape routes. In case of threat to our school, we are trained to apply the ALICE method (Alert, Lock-down, Inform, Counter and Evacuate). When it is determined to be safe for our students to leave the classrooms, our primary meeting place is the fire station. Your classroom teacher will have their cell phone and will do their best to contact you so we can reunite you with your child. ALICE drills are held twice a year by the Police Department.
Weapons. It is the strict policy of Holy Name Catholic School that no student, school personnel, visitor, or other person (except an officer of the peace) shall bring or possess a firearm, simulated firearm, destructive device, or weapon on school property or at any school functions. Any student violating this policy may be suspended or expelled as provided by Wyoming law.
Sexual Harassment. In order to help employees, students, parents and patrons have a clear and concise understanding of Holy Name Catholic School’s position on sexual harassment, without diminishing the intent and extent of the policy, the following position statement is expressed: “Sexual harassment is not condoned at Holy Name Catholic School. Sexual harassment is any behavior or words of a sexual or gender demeaning nature that are not welcome, which pressure or intimidate you or make you feel uncomfortable at school or school activities, and affect your education (or work) in a bad way. If you feel you have been a victim of sexual harassment, report it immediately to your principal, pastor or immediate supervisor.”
Visitors and Volunteers
Visitors. Parents, grandparents, and legal guardians are all encouraged to visit our schools. Please use the front door of the Joseph Building only and sign in at the office. When you sign in, you will be given a visitor’s pass, which we ask that you wear. When you drop your child or children off in the morning or pick them up at the end of the day, you do not need to sign in.
Volunteer and Personnel Background Checks. The Diocese of Cheyenne requires that all individuals who assume responsibility for the direct care of students complete background checks. This procedure is required to help ensure the safety of all Holy Name Catholic School students. Contact the school office at 307-672-2021 for more information.
Parent Involvement Program (PIP). The PIP program provides families with opportunities to volunteer their time and assist the school in a variety of needed ways. Each registered family is required to perform a certain number of hours per PIP year. A PIP year begins May 1st and ends April 30th of the following year.
The number of hours each family is required to complete is based on the age of the oldest enrolled child. Families of pre-kindergarten children are required to complete 20 hours per PIP year or pay $25.00 per hour ($500.00). Families, whose oldest child is in kindergarten through fifth grade, must complete 30 hours or pay $25.00 per hour ($750.00). Families may designate people, from outside the school, to work in their place. Such designates are subject to the same rules and requirements as the family themselves. Children enrolled at Holy Name Catholic School are not eligible to earn PIP hours. At least half of the required PIP hours are to be completed from May 1st through December 31st of each PIP year
Admissions, Documents, Immunizations and Kindergarten Age
Holy Name Catholic School accepts both Catholic and non-Catholic students from the surrounding area. Please bring a birth certificate, vaccination record and any Sacrament paperwork you may have.
All Wyoming public and private schools, including parochial schools and charter schools, are expected to follow Wyoming law regarding immunizations. Every year, within 5 days of the first day of school, it is necessary for parents/guardians to provide the school with an updated copy of immunizations or a waiver from the Department of Health. Per Wyoming law, students cannot be in school until this requirement is met.
Kindergarten Age
Students entering kindergarten must be 5 years old by the end of August and those entering first grade must be 6 years old by the end of August, unless approved by the principal. Students that participated in HNCS prekindergarten program do not need to be screened for kindergarten classes; the prekindergarten teacher will make a recommendation based on yearlong observations.
Tuition, Registration, and Fees
Holy Name Catholic School is largely subsidized by the Holy Name Catholic Community, the Holy Name School Foundation, the Thorne-Rider Foundation, the Goar Foundation and private donations. Because of this, tuition rates are not the actual $12,500.00 cost of education per child.
Prekindergarten: $6,300.00 per year fulltime or $48.00 per day for part time
*Pre-K tuition is counted as the first tuition for multi-child discount
Registered Parish Rate: K-6th Grade: $3,800.00 1st student, 2nd $3,040, 3rd + $1,900.00
Non-Registered in Parish Rate: K-6th Grade: $4,800.00 1st student, 2nd $3,840.00, 3rd+ $2,400.00
Registration Fee: $100.00 per student, per year non-refundable if paid before March 1st
$200.00 per student, per year non-refundable if paid after March 1st
Tuition Assistance
Every effort is made to make the cost of tuition affordable for parents. If a family needs help, tuition assistance is available to those that qualify. Please contact for an application. Applications must be returned to the HNCS Office Manager no later than May 1st. All information submitted remains strictly confidential.
Size of Family Unit | A | B | C |
2 | $25,636 | $36,485 | $47,328 |
3 | $32,318 | $45,991 | $59,664 |
4 | $39,000 | $55,500 | $72,000 |
5 | $45,682 | $65,009 | $86,336 |
6 | $52,364 | $74,518 | $96,672 |
7 | $59,046 | $84,027 | $109,008 |
Amount of Assistance | 90% | 65% | 50% |
Tuition Assistance Scale:
Tuition Assistance Deadlines:
May 1 – Completed tuition assistance applications are due to the HNCS Office Manager
Jun 30 – Final assistance decisions deadline for current families
Oct 1 – Final assistance decisions deadline for new families
- The registration fee is required for each student; the fee is not eligible for assistance.
- Pre-K is NOT eligible for assistance.
- The first $275 of tuition is NOT eligible for assistance. However, this does not need to be paid in full and can be made in payments.
Tuition Payment Options
- Pay over 10 months – Automatic Bank Withdrawal. (Begins August 5th and ends May 5th)
- Pay over 10 months – Credit Card Payment
- Pay entire amount – 5% discount (due by September 5th, 2024)
If arrangements have not been made with the HNCS Office Manager, the student will not be permitted to preregister for the following academic year. Non-payment of registration results in a child’s enrollment being put on hold. If financial arrangements are not made, the school may use any means necessary to collect tuition amounts owed.
Digital Citizenship
Holy Name Catholic School strives to provide a learning environment that is rich in technology. Our purpose is to enable and empower student learning, engagement and development of 21st Century Skills. Technology is a learning tool, not a toy or means of entertainment. The following expectations have been established to ensure that students use technology productively and in a manner that promotes learning.
Be Safe | Stick to teacher-approved apps and websites | When in doubt about the safety of a site, ask an adult | Keep all usernames, passwords and addresses private | Report suspicious emails and other contacts to an adult |
Be Respectful | Treat yourself and others with kindness and dignity at all times, especially online | Communicate online in positive and constructive ways | Report disrespectful behavior to an adult | Do not change settings on school devices |
Be Responsible | Take care of all devices | Carry devices with two hands and with screen closed at all times | Return devices to designated docking areas and plug in | Report any issues, damage or misuse immediately to an adult |
Technology Misuse. Below are examples of technology misuse and will result in consequences.
Behavior | Example |
Off Task Usage | Gaming, messaging, or web surfing during class time |
Inappropriate Content | Accessing information related to inappropriate topics such as violence, drugs, or sexual content |
Cyber Bullying | Using technology for gossip, rumors, drama, threats, harassment, and/or bullying |
Academic Dishonesty | Using technology to cheat and/or engage in plagiarism |
Vandalism | Destroying or otherwise purposefully damaging school property |
In addition to these behaviors, students are responsible for the physical care of any device assigned to them. Devices damaged through carelessness or through the purposeful actions of a student are the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian.
Electronic Information and Resource Agreement
All students at Holy Name Catholic School will be allowed Internet access unless parents specify in writing that they do not want their child to have such access. All students will be expected to abide by the conditions and guidelines of this Electronic Information Resource Agreement. These policies shall apply to:
- Users of electronic information resources that are utilized with equipment located at HNCS.
- Users who obtain their access privileges through association with HNCS.
Personal Responsibility. Students will accept personal responsibility for reporting misuse of the network to the Principal. Misuse can come in many forms, but it is commonly viewed as sending or receiving material that exhibits or suggests pornography, unethical or illegal behavior, racism, sexism, inappropriate language and constitutes a violation of the guidelines set forth below.
Acceptable Use Guidelines. The use of electronic information resources must be in support of education, research, and the educational goals and objectives of HNCS.
- Students will use electronic information resources for educational purposes only.
- Students agree not to submit, publish, display, or retrieve any defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, obscene, profane, sexually-oriented, threatening, violent, racially offensive or illegal material.
- Students will abide by all copyright regulations.
- Students will not reveal home addresses or personal phone numbers of others or themselves.
- Students understand that electronic mail is not private.
- Students understand that many services and products are available for a fee and acknowledge that they are responsible for any expenses incurred.
- Students will not attempt to harm, modify or destroy hardware or software interfere, or hack/crack the system security.
Privileges. The use of the electronic information resources is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked at any time.
- Holy Name Catholic School reserves the right to log the use of all systems and monitor file server space utilization. Should it become necessary, files may be deleted.
- The Principal may close an account at any time.
- Holy Name Catholic School is not responsible for any service interruptions, changes, or consequences arising there from, even if these arise from circumstances under the control of the School.
- Holy Name Catholic School makes no warranties of any kind whether expressed or implied. Service is provided as an “as is, as available” basis.
- Holy Name Catholic School reserves the right to establish such rules and regulations as may be necessary for the efficient operation of the electronic information systems.
- Infractions of the provisions set forth in the Electronic Information Resource Agreement may result in suspension or termination of access privileges and/or appropriate disciplinary action.
- Activities in violation of state and federal statutes will be subject to prosecution by those authorities. The School, as appropriate, may take disciplinary action.
- The administration, faculty and staff of Holy Name Catholic School may deny specific user accounts.
Discipline in the Pre-K program seeks to redirect the child to more meaningful and productive activities. Our number one goal is to provide a safe and positive learning environment for each child; therefore, abusive language, hitting, biting and consistent refusal to follow directions will not be allowed.
Suspension/Expulsion Policy
Holy Name Catholic School promotes positive social and emotional growth and include age-appropriate behavior supports. This practice enables us to offer the most proactive and supportive environment for children. However, there may be a time when we have exhausted all efforts to help a child interact in a positive manner in our program. If this situation should arise with your child, we will adhere to the following guidelines:
- Share with parents, in writing, behavioral concerns and what steps the school will take to change those behaviors.
- Schedule a conference with parent(s)/guardians to discuss steps implemented, local resources available and develop a plan for next steps.
- If expulsion or suspension is warranted, discuss with parents terms of the child returning and length of suspension.
Progressive Discipline Matrix
This document is a guideline only and does not include all possible cases of student misconduct. Administration reserves the right to evaluate, interpret, and make decisions regarding each situation and the student(s) involved.
Example Behaviors | Correct Opportunity | Detention Recess/ Lunch | ISS/OSS 1 day | ISS/OSS 3 days | ISS/OSS 5 days | ISS/OSS 10 days |
Level 1 Talking in class, off task behavior, minor disruptions, lack of preparation/materials, name calling, throwing paper, sleeping, dishonesty, passing notes, backtalk, writing on school property, etc. | Level 1 Behaviors are teacher-managed. Teachers will make a parent/guardian contact for each behavior incident. | |||||
Level 2 4 STEPs, cheating, repeated cell phone/electronics use, profanity, continued class disruption, throwing food, minor disrespect/defiance, etc. | 1st Offense | 1st Offense | 2rd Offense | 3rd Offense | 4th Offense | 5th Offense |
Level 3 Bullying/threats/ harassment, insubordination, gross disrespect/defiance, profanity directed at staff, computer misuse, major class disruption, etc. | 1st Offense | 1st Offense | 1st Offense | 2nd Offense | 3rd Offense | 4th Offense |
Level 4 Fighting, theft, vandalism, false alarms, drug use, drug possession, weapon possession/use (could lead to suspension/expulsion) | 1st Offense | 2nd Offense | 3rd Offense |
Grievance Procedure
Parents are asked to use the following communication procedure to express their concerns:
1. Meet directly with the staff member with whom there is a concern. If unresolved…
2. Meet with that staff member and the principal. If unresolved…
3. Meet with that staff member, the principal and the President of the Board of Directors.
School – Parent – Student Compact
The Holy Name Catholic School staff, students and parents of the Holy Name community agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the state’s high standards.
School Responsibilities
The school understands the importance of the school experience to every student and their role as educators and models. Therefore, the school agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their ability:
- Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children served under this part to meet the challenging State academic standards
- Address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum:
- Parent-teacher conferences in elementary school, in fall and winter, during which the compact shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child’s achievement
- Frequent reports to parents on their children’s progress; weekly newsletters from teachers; samples of student work; updates on reading, language, science and math assessments; parent contact initiated at the first signs of a pattern of behavior that interferes with student learning; trimester report cards; informal and formal “check-ins”- conferences, daily contact when picking up students after school
- Reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and observation of classroom activities on special days or by appointment
- Ensuring regular two-way, meaningful communication between family members and school staff and, to the extent practicable, in a language that family members can understand
- Believe that each child is created in God’s image and they are special and unique
- Treat each child with dignity and respect
- Strive to address the individual needs of the student
- Acknowledge that parents are vital to the success of child and school
- Provide a safe, positive and healthy learning environment
- Assure every student access to quality learning experiences
- Assure that the school staff communicates clear expectations for performance to both students and parents
- Set high expectations for staff, students and parents by ensuring challenging curriculum, implementing programs targeted at increasing student achievement and highlight/prepare ways that the parent can advance the learning environment at home
Parent Responsibilities
The parent understands that participation in his/her student’s education will help his/her achievement and attitude. Therefore, the parent will continue to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of his/her ability and support children’s learning in the following ways:
- Establish routines to support their child’s success in school:
- Appropriate bed time
- Monitor attendance
- Monitor computer use and television
- Homework & reading (30 minutes nightly)
- Study math facts
- Ensure that my child attends school on a regular basis and arrives at school on time
- Appropriate nutrition
- Grooming & hygiene
- Volunteering in their child’s school, to the extent possible, as a member of the Board of Directors, Board committees, fundraisers, in classrooms, etc.
- Supporting their child’s learning
- Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their child and positive use of extracurricular time
- Create a home atmosphere that supports learning
- Send the student to school on time, well-fed, and well-rested on a regular basis
- Attend school functions and conference
- Encourage their child to show respect for all members of the school community and school property
- Review school communications and respond promptly
Student Responsibilities
The student is the one responsible for his/her own success. Therefore, he/she agrees to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of his/her ability:
- Believe that I can and will learn
- Get to school on time every day
- Always try to do my best in my work and in my behavior
- Be responsible for completing homework on time
- Be cooperative by carrying out the teacher’s instructions and ask for help when needed
- Do daily work that is neat and reflects the student’s best effort
- Show respect for myself, my teachers, my school and other people
- Be responsible for giving my family members all information sent home from school
- Consistently plan a portion of every day for a period of uninterrupted reading and math fact time
Annual Notifications
This section of the Student and Parent Handbook contains policies on which the school must provide annual notification to parents. Policies are adopted to meet the United States and Wyoming Constitutions, federal and state statutes, case law, and State Board of Education rules and regulations, as well as federal regulations
Asbestos Notification. In compliance with the federal asbestos regulations for managing asbestos-containing materials in school buildings, HNCS has implemented an approved asbestos management plan that effectively addresses asbestos issues in the school. The plan was first instituted in 1988 and has continued to evolve to meet changing conditions. There is a copy of the 2020 management plan in the school office, which is available to anyone interested. Questions: 672-2021.
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement. In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
- mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or - fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
- email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Holy Name Catholic School
In Christ’s Image | Learning to Love | Loving to Learn
Pre-Kindergarten – Grade 6
Parent – Student Handbook
We the parent(s) of ____________________________________,
agree to be governed by this handbook for the 2023-2024 school year. We recognize the right and the responsibility of the school to make rules and enforce them.
Parent’s Name: ______________________________________
Parent’s Signature: _______________________________________
Date: ________________________________________
Please sign, date, and return to the office. Thanks!