Attendance Policy
Regular school attendance at school promotes mental and emotional development of children, reduces delinquency, enhances good citizenship, and promotes good general health, safety and welfare of the community.
Attendance Reporting
If your child is ill and will not be attending school that day, please contact the school office (672-2021) by 8:30 a.m. Please notify the office if you are leaving town. Students should present a written notice from their parents when they have appointments. All students are to be signed in and out of the office by the parent. No one other than the parents or legal guardian may check a child out of school without written permission from the parents or legal guardian.
Inclement Weather (School Closure or Delay)
In case of inclement weather, announcements will be made over radio station KROE/930 (672-7421) and on their website when school is not in session or changes in the school schedule. If the temperature drops to below 10, children will not be sent outside for recess.
Make-up Work
Students submitting make-up work due to an absence will be permitted to do assigned work without penalty within the two days per absence policy. Assignments may be requested for the student if the school office is contacted in the morning. Often the absent work can be available for pick up by the end of the day. There is no equivalent replacement for classroom instruction. Most of the learning opportunities at Holy Name Catholic School cannot be replaced through paper assignments. When a student returns to school after an absence, they are encouraged to confer with each teacher about missed content.
Prearranged Absences
For reasons other than illness or family emergencies, parents should prearrange absences in the school office or send written notice. This will enable teachers a reasonable amount of time to prepare lessons and assignments for the missing school days. Students are expected to complete all make-up work prior to returning to school; however, individual teachers could allow additional time upon the student’s return.
Getting to class on time is an important academic and work related skill. Tardy is defined as: not being in the threshold of the classroom door when the tardy bell rings. Students are expected to be at school by 8:00 am. Morning Prayer is part of the Faith Formation/Religion class and is an essential part of Holy Name Catholic School’s curriculum.
Holy Name Catholic School Discipline Philosophy
The Holy Name Catholic School philosophy holds Christ as the model of behavior. This philosophy promotes the following basic rules:
Teachers and staff will show respect for all students, parents, and each other.
Students will show respect for other students, teachers, other school staff, visitors, and each other.
“While the Catholic School is like any other in this complex variety of events that make up the life of a school, there is one essential difference: It draws its inspiration and its strength from the Gospel in which it is rooted.” (The Religious Dimension in a Catholic School)
The ultimate objective is for students to treat each other the way they would like to be treated. The faculty, through regular religion classes, teaches students about respect and making wise decisions about their behavior. Students are responsible for their behavior and are held accountable for their behavioral choices.
Positive Discipline. Our goal is to educate students in a positive, Christian environment. This means that all students treat each other and staff with respect at all times. We hold students responsible for their own behavior, with emphasis on logical consequences. In order for this goal to be accomplished, it is critical that parents and the staff work together to consistently enforce the discipline policies. These policies are established to allow all students to benefit from maximum instruction time and provide a safe and inclusive school community where no student feels left out or isolated.
Appearance and Dress Code. Kindergarten – Grade 5 students are expected to wear the school logo shirts on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays and on field trips/sporting events. On Friday which is school Mass day, students are required to “dress for the Lord” by wearing dress shirts or logo shirts, slacks, dresses or skirts. Blue jeans and shorts are not to be worn at Mass. Students are expected to present neat and modest appearance. An appearance that is immodest, extreme, or calls undue attention to itself or the wearer is not appropriate.
Progressive Discipline Matrix. When it is necessary to impose discipline, school administrators and teachers will follow a progressive discipline process. The degree of discipline to be imposed by school officials will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior of a particular student and will take into account the student’s discipline history, the age of the student and other relevant factors. In all cases, administrative discretion will be exercised.